The 2018 Kubota SVL75 is a Tier 4 machine that is 68 in wide and weighs about 10,000 lbs. Can be towed with at least a 1/2 ton Pickup Truck or SUV.
With its accessories it is ideal for: Rock/Skeleton Bucket - great for sifting large rocks out of soil Rototiller - turns over dirt Auger Head with bits - for digging holes Hydrabucket - grading bucket with built-in power rake Power/Harley/Rock Rake - Kicks rocks out of soil and into rows for easy cleanup Trencher - digging trenches Brush Hog/Mower - mow brush and plants Sheepsfoot Compactor - compact soil Stationary Pallet Forks Hydraulic Pallet Forks - can move forks in and out, great for moving root balls
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